About Me

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Speed of Light

Last night my spirit beckoned me to run as if something awaited me or should be witnessed in the darkness. Although I did not go, a similar feeling suddenly returns tonight.

Physically, I sit still.
Inside, I feel my spirit move. A wind teases my fur.
I'm rushing forward. My spirit is a streak of light moving at lightspeed.
The stars and galaxies blur around me, creating a tunnel of color and light.
All is light and energy!
I don't know my destination, but that doesn't really worry me.
I'm no longer lost or searching for something in the dark.
I might finally have a destination.

But what has caused these feelings and inner shifts or journeys? I feel that the physical world and the people around me, including recent events, have catalyzed my spiritual state.

It's the small things. They have the greatest impact. A glance, a second of eye-contact, body position and body language can actually be the strongest communicators, trasmitting the greatest amount of information.

It's my spirit now having the ability to react with the spirits of others. Or rather, a stronger ability to recognize and understandhowmy spirit reacts to those around me. I might also understandwhymy spirit reacts the way it does to stimuli and why that makes me feel the way I do.

I feel held, lifted up by an energy that is warm and encouraging.
I stand taller, more confident, more aware of my surroundings.
My spirit soars through space now.
Within minutes, I have traveled an incomprehensible distance.
Farther than ever before. So far I can't possibly go back.
And I'm okay with that truth.

.....There is only forward.....being guided by something that calls to me, tugs on me.....

I can't know what the outcome will be, but I can't be afraid to find out.

Even if I wanted to, I don't think I could slow my momentum. I can't stop the events that have been set in motion.....but that doesn't really worry me either....

Aubrey Wolf Daughter

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