About Me

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Guarded by a Wolf and Surrounded by Dreams

My day started out like usual, waking up for class. Then I remembered the dream, which was unsettling. I think I was shown some of my weaknesses, but in the end I stood up for what I believed. I want to interpret my actions in the dream as listening to my instincts. When I felt uncomfortable and sensed that something was wrong, I ran. It's been a long time since I've needed to run like that. But I needed to escape and get far away. I'm not sure where I ran to, but I think I was headed to a safer place.

Just a couple hours ago, I decided to watch a movie titled Lady Hawke. It's a very beautiful movie. Maybe it just had me emotional and overreacting, but I started to cry. I've had the feeling before that a wolf has taken my soul for safe keeping. Well, not really taken, but I feel guarded and protected by a wolf. As I thought about this, I continued to cry a little.

I also felt like screaming and howling, but I had a dream once where that happened. In that dream I destroyed the world. I don't want the world to end yet. So I cried silently and held back the screams and howls.

My emotions still hadn't played out yet. Thinking about wolves made me remember another dream. I was in the city, walking down the road, and people were staring at me. It was because four or five white wolves were following me. I came to a stop in a parking garage. Too many people were watching, and the wolves needed to leave. They turned and faded into the shadows. But one lingered.

I kneeled and beckoned to him. He slowly approached and allowed me to pet his neck. He said he had something to give me. I held out my hands, and a small pouch dropped from the wolf's mouth into them. He said I must not open the pouch. I needed to search for and find something else. He couldn't tell me anymore and disappeared.

So I walked through the city all night searching for something. I didn't know where I was going or why. I just had the pouch given to me by the white wolf. I finally climbed to the top of a building, and it seemed like a dead end. I didn't know where else to go. But there was a man there. It seemed like a strange place to find another person.

He asked what I was doing there. I said I was searching for something, and it seemed like I was lost. He offered to help me and asked if I had any clues or anything that might point the way. All I had was the pouch, and if I remember correctly, I let him see it after some hesitation. I believe I told him it couldn't be opened. The end of the dream is fuzzy. I'm not sure if this happened or not, but I think he told me not to be afraid. Then, we might have opened the pouch together.

I'm not sure what was inside. That I don't remember. But after thinking about it, maybe it contained some courage, hope, and trust. Or maybe we climbed down from the building and continued on the quest together.

Either way, I feel better after writing this. I'm not crying any more. I don't know what it means, but I believe that it does have a meaning. Everything is connected and has a purpose.

Aubrey Wolf Daughter

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